What is the best way to treat BPH? BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), also know as enlarged prostate is a condition in which the prostate gland has grown larger than normal, resulting in some unpleasant side effects. Trouble urinating, weak urine flow, having to go too often, and straining when urinating are just a few of the common symptoms of BPH. As you get older, over 40, the chances of you getting BPH go up. In fact, about 20 percent of men in their 40’s and as high as 60 percent of men in their 60’s suffer from BPH.
There are many medications and surgical treatments available for BPH, but before you consider those, there are some natural ways to help prevent and to cure BPH. Let’s look at a few of the most effective ways you can avoid BPH and cure it before you look into surgery and medication.
- Adjust your diet to the proper nutrition
As is the case with many problems with the human body, adjusting your diet to healthier one can make a world of difference. Your body is a remarkable organism capable of healing itself and correcting problems…if it is given the proper nutrition. For treating or preventing BPH, there are specific guidelines you can follow to give your body a fighting chance.
When choosing a protein source, pick plant protein over animal protein. Research shows that diets rich in plant protein can reduce the rate of prostate disease. Also, start eating more fruits and vegetables. They fight inflammation with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Avoid high-fat foods and dairy products when possible. In some cases, you can take natural supplements to give you the needed nutrients for you body.
- Lose the extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight
Excess weight can be very detrimental to your overall health. Not only does it contribute to many diseases and bodily complications, there is a direct link between being overweight and having a high risk of BPH. Losing the extra weight will help reduce your risk of BPH and help your body correct it if you already have it. Incorporate a healthy diet and exercise regularly. The overall benefit of exercise will pay dividends in every of your life, not just BPH prevention and treatment.
- Engage in a healthy sex life
Sexual activity is good for the prostate. It is important to practice safe sex to maintain a healthy sex life. Experts suggest that ejaculation helps the body clear out toxins that could cause prostate problems and contribute to cancer. There is debate over the issue, but the benefits of a healthy sex life reach beyond the issue of PBH and prostate issues. It also helps maintain erectile function and healthy penile tissue, which is important as you get older.
- Avoid stress and learn to cope with it better
Frequent and unmanaged stress can cause a plethora of health issues in the long run. Research shows that stress can worsen the symptoms of BPH. Stress has a direct effect on hormone levels and on the sympathetic nervous system, which negatively affect the prostate. Develop a practice to manage stress on a daily basis. If possible, avoid unnecessary stress altogether. Some simple stress management techniques include deep breathing, regular exercise, proper nutrition, and meditation.
In the event that you do need surgery to correct PBH, there are many options from which to choose. However, the most effective and least invasive method today is the Urolift System. The UroLift System treatment is a revolutionary, minimally invasive approach to treating BPH that lifts or holds the enlarged prostate tissue out of the way so it no longer blocks the urethra. There is no cutting, heating or removal of prostate tissue. If you must take this route, this is the best option to consider.