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I’m Dr. Michael Graham, a urologist here at Northwoods Urology of Texas. And I’d like to talk today about vasectomy. There are a number of ways for a family to plan when and how many children they’re going to have. Vasectomy can play a role once the families decided that they no longer want additional children.
When a patient has decided they no longer want additional children, we’ll schedule a visit in the office to do a quick physical exam and make sure there’s nothing that would make the procedure more difficult. We go through the preparation and expectations for the procedure. When the day comes to do the vasectomy, typically the patient can drive himself here to the office. We do the procedure here in the office under a local anesthetic. Patient is free to drive himself home. We don’t use any drugs that impair the ability to drive or make decisions. The procedure itself can last anywhere from 10 minutes plus or minus a few minutes, but it’s typically quick, and the local anesthetic works very effectively to provide pain relief and avoidance.
In the days following a vasectomy, patients can typically drive and walk normally. We typically ask them to avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise for about three days after the vasectomy, typically avoid swimming pools and lakes and rivers and that sort of thing for several days after the procedure. But other than that, for general day to day activities they could presume light activity immediately and then full strenuous activity three days after the procedure.
So if you’re interested in having a vasectomy or you have more questions about how appropriate a vasectomy might be for you and your family, please call our office or contact our office to arrange an appointment.