Male infertility can happen to anyone. About 1 in 20 men may experience some form of male infertility in their lifetime. Furthermore, male infertility can be […]
Nearly everyone has heard of a urologist, but not many know what a urologist does. Basically, a urologist diagnoses, treats, and monitors urinary tract and external genital organ disorders. This can also include the kidneys, uterus, urethra, bladder, and prostate. A urologist also performs surgeries in some cases.
6 Ways to Keep Your Prostate Healthy According to the American Cancer Society, at least 190,000 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed in the U.S. […]
oing to a primary care physician, dentist, or optometrist are all normal, common things. But when should a man see a urologist? Although they aren’t popular topics, male urinary or sexual issues are common as well. If you notice any of the signs below, then it may be time to see a urologist.