Transcript of Video
Hello, my name is Peggy Francis, and I’m a nurse practitioner here at Northwoods Urology of Texas. Today, I’m gonna speak to the ladies in the group ’cause we’re gonna talk about pelvic organ prolapse.
And, that’s when you feel like your insides are coming out of your vagina. When the inside comes out in the front of your body, that’s usually your bladder descending. When the inside of your vagina comes out and it’s kind of in the posterior portion, that’s your bowel pushing your vagina out. Sometimes the top of the vagina can fall. All of these are not life-threatening situations. In fact, they don’t even need to be treated, unless you are uncomfortable or cannot urinate and have a bowel movement.
So one of the options that we have when you have a prolapse like that is to put a pessary in the vagina. A pessary, spelled P-E-S-S-A-R-Y, is a device that sits in the vagina snug enough to keep your insides in, but loose enough that it doesn’t interfere with anything that you wanna do, including urinating and having a bowel movement. The only time that you would need to remove it, really, is if your gonna have intercourse.
There are various sizes and shapes of pessaries, and it’s my job as the expert to fit you with the pessary that fits just perfect for you, that it doesn’t interfere with anything you wanna do. Should not be uncomfortable. Should eventually feel like a second skin. But it’s very important that we get fitted very specifically to your body type.
If you feel like you need a pessary, or you have a prolapse that you’d like to discuss treatment options, short of having surgery, then come in and let’s do an evaluation and see if you’re a good candidate to try a pessary.