10 Common Causes of Testicular Pain
Testicular pain is a problem for many men and is felt in varying degrees. You can experience anything from a dull ache or a sharp intense pain that burns intensely. The important thing, though, is that you don’t have to live with these types of pains. Most testicular pain can be treated with something as simple as diet changes, or surgery in severe cases. Here are 9 common causes of testicular pain.
- Kidney Stones
- Hernia
- Varicoceles
- Prostate Cancer
- Testicular Tumor
- Epididymitis
- Orchitis
- Testicular Torsion
- Being hit in the groin
Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are deposits of minerals, such as salts, that form in your kidneys. Over time, the deposits can get bigger until they must be flushed out of the kidney system. They can cause testicular pain in several ways. According to Medical News Today, they can cause blood in the urine, burning when urinating, nausea, pain at the tip of the penis, cramping pains, urinating frequently, and vomiting. There may be other symptoms that are specific to your situation and cause you to have other known side effects.
Furthermore, when you try to pass a kidney stone it can be extremely painful. That stone has to travel through the urethra and be released while urinating. Most people who have gone through this process reported being in extreme pain. Sometimes urologists will elect to remove the stone through surgery or another method. To prevent kidney stones and stay healthy, drink plenty of water, and consult with your urologist about a diet to prevent buildup.
A hernia occurs when fatty tissue or an organ is pushed through your abdominal muscles. This can cause pain in the upper groin area and testicular pain as well. Most often, people report having pain while doing physical activity or standing up and sitting down. Doctors will often prescribe that you stay physically inactive for a couple of weeks.
Varicoceles is caused by enlarged veins in the scrotum. It can cause testicular pain when urinating, touching, and doing physical activity. Usually, pain builds over several days until it becomes almost unbearable. Although doctors do not know the source of varicoceles, it can be easily treatable with surgery. If you start to feel testicular pain coming on multiple days in a row that is a clear sign you may have varicoceles. This is also a dull pain that builds, not a sharp pain that is over fast.
Prostate Cancer
It’s important to know that around 1 in 9 men will contract prostate cancer in their lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society. If you are older than 65, you should be having regular checkups with your doctor for prostate cancer. Symptoms of prostate cancer include:
- Urination difficulties such as starting and stopping
- Frequent urination
- Blood in the urine
- Painful ejaculation
- Erectile dysfunction
- Pain in the back, pelvis, or chest
- Weak stream of urination
Any of these signs should be taken seriously. If you feel that multiple symptoms are affecting you then you need to see a urologist. Importantly, if you find any blood in the urine you should immediately contact your doctor.
Testicular Tumor
Do you feel a lump in your scrotum? Is there a dull testicular pain that always seems to be there? Do you have any swelling in your scrotum? If any of these fit you, you may have a testicular tumor. A testicular tumor usually comes in the form of a lump and can be felt within the scrotum. If it turns out that you do have a testicular tumor, a urologist can perform surgery to remove the tumor. The important thing about the symptoms, and any other, is that you need to report them sooner rather than later. Waiting to go to the doctor for testicular pain can have major consequences.
When an infection in the epididymis happens, it can cause testicular pain, swelling, or your scrotum feeling hot to the touch. The epididymis allows seamen to mature before ejaculation. Epididymis can cause sexually transmitted diseases and urinary tract infections. If you have had sex lately with a partner and now start to feel pain, it can be a good time to get tested.
Remember, with any partner rinsing off after sexual activity can go a long way in preventing a UTI and other diseases. Using items such as condoms can also reduce risk. For women, peeing after sex can help prevent a UTI. However, any time you engage in sexual activity with another partner you are putting yourself at risk for an STD.
Epididymis, left untreated, can cause orchitis. It is an inflammation of the testicle. Orchitis can be caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Oftentimes, sexually transmitted infections can result in orchitis. Pain can be sudden and very serious leading to a medical emergency. Pain does not occur in the abdomen, but specifically in the testicle. Symptoms include:
- Vomiting
- Fatigue
- Sharp testicular pain
- Fever
- General unwellness
Testicular Torsion
Testicular torsion occurs when the testicle rotates, cutting off the blood supply to the scrotum. It is extremely painful and requires surgery to save the testicle. According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms include:
- Sudden, severe pain in the scrotum
- Swelling of the scrotum
- Abdominal pain
- Nausea and vomiting
- A testicle that’s positioned higher than normal or at an unusual angle
- Frequent urination
- Fever
Testicle torsion is an emergency, often occurring in young men between the ages of 18 to 21. The pain will be sudden and extreme. Immediately contact your doctor and go to the hospital. Otherwise, you can lose that testicle.
Being hit in the groin
As just about everyone knows, being hit in the groin Is going to cause some type of testicular pain. However, if that pain stays there, you may need to see a urologist. Damaging any part of your groin can have serious impacts on urination, fertility, and other health issues. If you were recently hit hard in the groin, consider seeing a urologist.
Other common ailments that can cause testicular pain:
Diabetic Neuropathy
Urinary Tract Infection
Do you have any testicular pain that is affecting you every day? You don’t have to live with it. At Northwoods Urology, we are a judgment-free clinic that can help you feel the best you ever have. Contact us today and let us help you deal with your testicular pain.