If problems arise with urination or sexual function, it can be terrifying. After all, treating pelvic floor problems like hypertonicity with medical and psychological treatment is possible. Nevertheless, you must address pelvic floor issues. These uncomfortable problems shouldn’t ruin your life. Keep reading below to find out about healing from a hypertonic pelvic floor.
What is a hypertonic pelvic floor?
A pelvic floor is a group of muscles that support several vital organs: the bladder, the rectum, the prostate, and the uterus/vagina. These muscles form a somewhat flexible barrier, protecting the supported organs. When these pelvic floor muscles remain contracted, problems occur. Similar to any spasming muscle, the muscles of the pelvic floor are not meant to be in constant contraction. As muscles continuously to contract, pressure is exerted on the muscles, the organs, and the surrounding tissues. This is not good. Those muscles, as with all muscles, need to relax from time to time in order to operate optimally.
Is It Common?
In short? Yes. Pelvic floor disfunction is extremely common. Some research suggests it may occur as frequently as one in ten. Both men and women are affected by it, hence the high statistical numbers. Some professionals suspect issues with the pelvic floor are even more common than this. However, given the embarrassing nature of the issues, it’s hard to know for sure. Still, the fact remains; if you are suffering from hypertonic pelvic floor, you are not alone!
What are the Symptoms?
Pain is the most common symptom, either specific or generalized. There is pain during urination, bowel movements, or intercourse. Other symptoms can include frequent urination, difficulty beginning bathroom functions, and inability to to achieve orgasm. This list is far from exhaustive. If you are having any problems with urination, bowel movements, or sexual function, consult a healthcare professional. They can diagnose the problem, and help you begin healing from a hypertonic pelvic floor. As mentioned above, these problems can be embarrassing. Don’t let potential embarrassment prevent your from reaching out for medical help. It is always better to confront the problem earlier and get your life back on track.
What Causes it?
A variety of things can damage the pelvic floor muscles. For some, it is a habit of holding in urination or stool. For women, childbirth can damage the muscles of the pelvic floor. Abuse or mental disorders can also lead to dysfunction.
Is It Treatable?
Luckily, yes. There are a number of ways to treat hypertonic pelvic floor. Some people only require meditation. For others, massage can help. Common medications help manage the pain associated with the condition. For some people, it is a combination of these and other things which help them heal from a hypertonic pelvic floor. As with most medical problems, there are standard treatment patterns, but solutions may be unique for each individual case.
For any of your urology needs, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Northwoods Urology at any of our convenient locations. Our team of qualified professionals is happy to help with all of your healthcare needs.